Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organic Farming in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Organic Farming in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example One of the most significant expositions of the aims and principles of organic farming is presented in the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements' (IFOAM) basic standards for production and processing (Anonymous, 68). "To create integrated, humane, environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural production systems, which maximize reliance on farm-derived renewable resources and the management of ecological and biological processes and interactions, so as to provide acceptable levels of crop, livestock and human nutrition, protection from pests and diseases, and an appropriate return to the human and other resources employed". In some respects, this definition stands as the complete opposite to conventional productivist agriculture, which implies extensive use of artificial inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides designed to increase productivity in food production. Introduction, intensification and optimization... In some respects, this definition stands as the complete opposite to conventional productivist agriculture, which implies extensive use of artificial inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides designed to increase productivity in food production. Organic Farming in Saudi Arabia: A Proposal Goal Introduction, intensification and optimization of organic production, environmental protection and the promotion and supporting the access of Saudi organic products to local, regional and international markets. Purpose: The project has the specific purpose of the increased involvement of Saudi Arabia in promoting Organic Agriculture. The introduction could offer diverse benefits, such as income generation, natural resource conservation, food self-sufficiency and social development. Outputs & Major activities To achieve Output A. Output 1-Information about the current situation in the concerned countries regarding market and organic production of olives, dates, cotton, and medicinal and herbal plants is collected, and analyzed. Activities: Carrying out the information survey. Data Collection and analysis. Interpretation of results, conclusions and recommendations. B. Output 2-Organic Agriculture in selected sub-sectors (olive, date palm, and cotton, medicinal and herbal plants) in Saudi Arabia is strengthened. Activities: Setting- up new Information Centers (IC) / Focal points Equip with required information and technical literature. Collection and analysis of existing information. Development of individual work plans for each IC. Development of contacts with the local OA movements to promote OA in Saudi Arabia. C. Output 3- Participation and capacity in the structures and membership of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Early Adults Essay Example for Free

Early Adults Essay Early Adulthood (18-35 years old) is a time of peak biological performance for both men and women. It is therefore a period where illnesses are constantly low and admission in hospitals is minimal. However, despite this fact, there are still prevalent factors that affect young people. Aside from biology and/or health, early adulthood might develop psychological problems due to societal role conflict, independence and the prospect of settling down. According to Erik Erikson, early adulthood is a time wherein people tends to become more intimate or isolated. Whichever the case, young adults becomes more serious and more likely to be responsible. Primarily, young adults focus on taking responsibility of themselves and the ones they care about. Most of them assume civic and parental responsibilities. Others are more concerned with their profession and look forward for plans towards the future. Young adults are more concerned with practical matters and think critically and realistically. They avoid childish acts as established by the culture or societal belief. The possibility of health problems starts with the increase of sexual activity which is typical for young adults. Thus, although they are in good health, they still can acquire diseases such as STD’s and other communicable diseases. Accordingly, 90% of STD’s are acquired by people who are below 30 yrs. old. Aside from this, about 50% of all pregnancies are said to be unintended. It is also during early adulthood that people tends to work less strenuous jobs. More likely, people work in offices where they spend most of the time sitting. Thus, body fat increased significantly during this period which if left unchecked might lead to obesity or other complications. Lastly, it is the time wherein people formed bonds and spend time together. As stated above, it is during this age that people try to be intimate with others. This does not solely apply to a special someone but to find a group where one belongs. Night out’s and various parties are popular during this period, wherein both males and females tend to under sleep, overeat and drink alcohol. Obesity and addiction to cigarette, alcohol and other drugs can also arise as a result of societal pressure and roles. A person also tries to determine what kind of career he/she will later on pursue during this age. Isolation can happen in a young adult if he/she is depressed or has previous psychological problem rooted in abuse/s and/or broken homes. This is a negative attribute since communication and relationship with other people are highly limited if a person tries to isolate him/herself from other people. Societal identity issues are also pervasive, since roles are mostly relative and obsolete at the same time. A person in this age, still function as a child but might also be a parent at the same time. Most of the Psychological problems that appear during early adulthood is correlated with he fact that they become more socially aware of their environment. They are presented with new responsibilities and new choices that are not available for them in previous years. Aside from this, young adults are also vulnerable to several types of influence because they are often unprepared and inexperience about working and starting ones own family. References: Lash, SC. Early Adulthood: A Focus on Social Roles. Retrieved on October 22, 2008, from http://syp5105-01. fa04. fsu. edu/guide6-dep5068. html Preiser. (1997). Early Adulthood. Developmental Psychology Student Netletter. Retrieved on October 24, 2008 from http://www. mc. maricopa. edu/dept/d46/psy/dev/early_adult/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Russian Revolution of 1917 Essay -- History Soviet

I recollect as a child how I cherished the way my mom took care of me and made all my executive decisions. I recall getting excited about my weekly allowances and about her picking out my clothes for school. However, when I became a teenager I wanted my independence. I know longer wanted her to buy my clothing and I wanted to financially support myself by getting a job. I was so tired of her telling me what to do and how to do it that I revolted. At first it was difficult trying to establish independence in my mother's house, but after a while it seemed as if I had won the battle. Unbeknownst to me that battle would be short-lived and ultimately my mom won the war. Basically, I had constructed my own crazy revolution against my mother. You see a revolution is â€Å"a fundamental change in political organization; especially: the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed .Activity or movement designed to affect fundamental cha nges in the socioeconomic situation (Webster Dictionary).†One revolution that is said to have inspired communism was the Russian Revolutions of 1917. A communist revolution is inspired by ideas of Marxism whose main purpose is to replace capitalism with communism also considered socialism. â€Å"Marxists believe that the workers of the world must unite and free themselves from capitalist oppression to create a world run by, and, for the working class (Britannica).† The Russian Revolution began in 1917 and consisted of two periods of revolts; the February Revolution and the October Revolution. It has been said that the 1905 Russian Revolution prompted the February Revolution due to â€Å"the massacre is Saint Petersburg, Russia known as Bloody Sunday. A council of wo... ...ns change history whether it is positive or negative. In the case of the Russian Revolution things could have been avoided or done differently however because of this revolution Russia began to slowly rebuild programs such as the New Economic Policy (NEP) were created. Works Cited "Russian Revolution of 1917." Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. 02 Dec. 2010 . "socialism." Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. 02 Dec. 2010 . Hindsight, Sept 2008 v19 i1 p22(4) Russia, 1914-17: Part 1 the road to revolution. Hugh Jebson. Kirby, David, The Baltic World 1772-1993: Europe's Northern Periphery in an Age of Change (London: Longman, 1995).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Applying Models of Health Promotion to Improve Effectiveness of Pharmacist-Led Campaign in Reducing Obesity in Socioeconomically Deprived Areas

Abstract This essay aims to determine how different models of health promotion can be used to improve effectiveness of pharmacist-led campaign in reducing obesity in socioeconomically deprived areas. The health belief, changes of stage and ecological approaches models are some models discussed in this brief. These models are suggested to be effective in underpinning pharmacist-led campaigns for obesity in the community. This essay also discusses the impact of obesity on individuals and the community and its prevalence in socio-economically deprived groups. Challenges associated with uptake of healthy behaviour are discussed along with possible interventions for obesity. It is suggested that a multi-faceted, community based intervention will likely lead to a successful campaign against obesity. Introduction Blenkinsopp et al. (2000) explain that health promotion is aimed at maintaining and enhancing good health in order to prevent ill health. Health promotion encompasses different issues and activities that influence the health outcomes of individuals and society. Health promotion involves the creation and implementation of health and social care policies that are deemed to prevent diseases and promote the physical, social and mental health of the people. Blenkinsopp et al. (2000) observe that pharmacists are perceived to have crucial roles as health promoters in the community. Since health promotion incorporates a range of actions that are aimed in promoting health, it is essential to understand the role of pharmacists in promoting health. In this essay, a focus is made on health promotion for individuals suffering from obesity in socioeconomically deprived areas. A discussion on the different models of health promotion will also be done. The first part of this brief discusses models o f health promotion while the second part critically analyses how these models can be used to underpin pharmacist-led campaigns in reducing obesity. The last part of this essay will summarise the key points raised in this essay. Models of Health Promotion Blenkinsopp et al. (2003) argue that, in the past, perspectives of pharmacists on ill-health takes the biomedical model approach to health. This model considers ill health as a biomedical problem (Goodson, 2009) and hence, technologies and medicines are used to cure the disease. Pharmacists are regarded as ‘experts’ in terms of their knowledge on a health condition and its cure. Hence, when the biomedical model is used, pharmacists’ response to a health-related query likely takes the disease-oriented approach to medical treatment and referral. This approach limits the care and interventions for the patients. Bond (2000) observes that while not necessarily inappropriate for pharmacy practice, the biomedical approach results to ‘medicalisation’ of health. This means that health and illness are both determined biologically. It should be noted that the primary function of pharmacists is to dispense medications. Hence, when making health-related advice to patients, this often involves information on medications appropriate to the health conditions of the patient. However, the role of pharmacists in providing medicines has expanded to include advice on the therapeutic uses of medications and information on how to maintain optimal health (Levin et al., 2008). Taylor et al. (2004) also reiterates that pharmacists are beginning to promote health through patient education that supports positive behaviour and actions related to health. This new approach is consistent with health models for individuals such as health belief model and stages of change. The health belief model teaches that individuals have to acknowledge the perceived threat and severity of the disease and how positive health behaviour can give them benefits (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). The benefits of the new behaviour should outweigh perceived barriers to the physical activity behaviours (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). This model requires that individuals have cues to action to help them adapt a new behaviour and gain self-efficacy. The latter is important since individuals suffering from chronic conditions need to develop self-efficacy to help them manage their condition and prevent complications (Lubkin and Larsen, 2011). It is well established that obesity, as a chronic condition, is a risk factor for development of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, orthopaedic abnormalities and some form of cancer (Department of Health, 2009). When individuals receive sufficient patient education on obesity and the risks associated with this condition, it is believed that they will take actions to manage the condition. While the health belief model has gained success in helping individuals take positive actions regarding their health, Naidoo and Wills (2009) emphasises that patient education alone or informing them on the severity and their susceptibility of the disease may not be sufficient in changing or sustaining behaviour. Although individuals are informed on the benefits of the health behaviour, there is still a need to consider how environmental factors help shape health behaviour. It should be considered that obesity is a multifactorial problem and environmental factors play crucial roles in its development. Public Health England (2014) notes that in the last 25 years, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled. This rapid increase in overweight and obesity prevalence shows that in 2010, only 30.9% of the men in the UK have basal metabolic index (BMI) within the healthy range (Public Health England, 2014). In contrast, the proportion of men with healthy BMI in 1993 was 41.0%. Amongst women, proportion of women with healthy BMI in 1993 was 49.5% but this dropped to 40.5% in 2010. It has been shown that almost a third or 26.1% of UK’s population is obese. If current trends are not addressed, it is projected that by 2050, 60% of adults will be obese (Public Health England, 2014). The effects of obesity are well established not only on the health of individuals but also on the cost of care and management of complications arising from this condition (Public Health England). Managing obesity at the individual level is necessary to help individuals adopt a healthier lifestyle. It has been shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables (Department of Health, 2011) and engagement in structured physical activities (De Silva-Sanigorski, 2011) improve health outcomes of obese or overweight individuals. The stages of change model (Goodson, 2009) could be used to promote health amongst this group. This model states that adoption of healthy behaviours such as engagement in regular physical activity or consumption of healthier food requires eliminating unhealthy ones. The readiness of an individual is crucial on whether people will progress through the five levels of stage of change model. These levels include pre-contemplation, contemplation followed by preparation, action and maintenance (Goodson, 2009). Different strategies are suggested for each level to assist an individual progress to the succeeding stage. It has been shown that prevalence of obesity is highest amongst those living in deprived areas in the UK and those with low socio-economic status (Department of Health, 2010, 2009). Families with ethnic minority origins are also at increased risk of obesity compared to the general white population in the country (Department of Health, 2010, 2009). This presents a challenge for healthcare practitioners since individuals living in poverty belong to the vulnerable groups (Lubkin and Larsen, 2011). It is suggested that development of obesity amongst this group could be related to their diet. Energy-dense food is cheaper compared to the recommended fruits and vegetables. In recent years, the Department of Health (2011) has promoted consumption of 5 different types of fruits and vegetables each day. However, the cost of maintaining this type of diet is high when compared to buying energy-dense food. The problem of obesity also has the greatest impact on children from low-income families. R esearch by Jones et al. (2010) has shown a strong link between exposures to commercials of junk foods with poor eating habits. It is noteworthy that many children in low-income families are exposed to long hours of television compared to children born to more affluent families (Adams et al., 2012). The multi-factorial nature of obesity suggests that management of this condition should also take a holistic approach and should not only be limited to health promotion models designed to promote individual health. Hence, identifying different models appropriate for communities would also be necessary to address obesity amongst socio-economically deprived families. One of models that also address factors present in the community or environment of the individual is the ecological approaches model (Goodson, 2009). Family, workplace, community, economics, beliefs and traditions and the social and physical environments all influence the health of an individual (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). The levels of influence in the ecological approaches model are described as intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community and public policy. Addressing obesity amongst socio-economically deprived individuals through the ecological approaches model will ensure that each level of influence is recogn ised and addressed. Pharmacist-led Campaigns in Reducing Obesity The health belief, stages of change and the ecological approaches models can all be used to underpin pharmacist-led campaigns in reducing obesity for communities that are socio-economically deprived. Blenkinsopp et al. (2003) state that community pharmacists have a pivotal role in articulating the needs of individuals with specific health conditions in their communities. Pharmacists can lobby at local and national levels and act as supporters of local groups who work for health improvement. However, the work of the pharmacists can also be influenced by their own beliefs, perceptions and practices. Blenkinsopp et al. (2003) emphasise that when working in communities with deprived individuals, the pharmacists should also consider how their own socioeconomic status influence the type of care they provide to the service users. They should also consider whether differences in socio-economic status have an impact on the care received the patients. There should also be a consideration if th ere are differences in the culture, educational level and vocabulary of service users and pharmacists. Differences might influence the quality of care received by the patients; for instance, differences in culture could easily lead to miscommunication and poor quality of care (Taylor et al., 2004). Bond (2000) expresses the need for pharmacists to examine the needs of each service user and how they can empower individuals to seek for healthcare services and meet their own needs. In community settings, it is essential to increase the self-efficacy of service users. Self-efficacy is described as the belief of an individual that they are capable of attaining specific goals through modifying their behaviour and adopting specific behaviours (Lubkin and Larsen, 2011). In relation to addressing obesity amongst socio-economically deprived individuals, pharmacists can use the different models to help individuals identify their needs and allow them to gain self-efficacy. For example, pharmacists can use the health belief model to educate individuals on the consequences of obesity. On the other hand, the stages of change model can be utilised to help individuals changed their eating behaviour and improve their physical activities. Uptake of behaviours such as healthy eating and increasing physical activities are not always optimal despite concerted efforts of communities and policymakers (Reilly et al., 2006). It is suggested that changing one’s behaviour require holistic and multifaceted interventions aimed at increasing self-efficacy of families and allowing them to take positive actions (Naidoo and Wills, 2009). There is evidence (Tucker et al., 2006; Barkin et al., 2012; Davison et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2014) that multifaceted community-based interventions aimed at families are more likely to improve behaviour and reduce incidence of obesity than single interventions. Community-based interventions can be supported with the ecological approaches model. This model recognises that one’s family, community, the environment, policies and other environment-related factors influence the health of the individuals. To date, the Department of Health (2010) through its Healthy Lives, Healthy People pol icy reiterates the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle to prevent obesity. This policy allows local communities to take responsibility and be accountable for the health of its community members. Pharmacists are not only limited to dispensing advice on medications for obesity but to also facilitate a healthier lifestyle. This could be done through collaboration with other healthcare professionals in the community (Goodson, 2009). A multidisciplinary approach to health has been suggested to be effective in promoting positive health outcomes of service users (Zhou et al., 2014). As discussed in this essay, pharmacists can facilitate the access of service users to activities and programmes designed to prevent obesity amongst members in the community. Finally, pharmacists have integral roles in health promotion and are not limited to dispensing medications or provide counselling on pharmacologic therapies. Their roles have expanded to include providing patients with holistic interventions and facilitating uptake of health and social care services designed to manage and prevent obesity in socio-economically deprived individuals. Conclusion In conclusion, pharmacists can use the different health promotion models to address obesity amongst individuals with lower socioeconomic status. The use of these models will help pharmacists provide holistic interventions to this group and address their individual needs. The different health promotion models discussed in this essay shows that it is crucial to allow service users gain self-efficacy. This will empower them to take positive actions regarding their health. Finally, it is suggested that a multi-faceted, community based intervention will likely lead to a successful campaign against obesity. References Adams, J., Tyrrell, R., Adamson, A. & White, M. (2012). Socio-economic differences in exposure to television food advertisements in the UK: a cross-sectional study of advertisements broadcast in one television region. Public Health Nutrition, 15(3), 487-494. Barkin, S., Gesell, S., Poe, E., Escarfuller, J. & Tempesti, T. (2012). Culturally tailored, family-centred, behavioural obesity intervention for Latino-American Preschool-aged children. Pediatrics, 130(3), 445-456. Blenkisopp, A., Panton, R. & Anderson, C. (2000). Health Promotion for Pharmacists, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blenkisopp, A., Andersen, C. & Panton, R. (2003). Promoting Health. In: K. Taylor & G. Harding (Eds.), Pharmacy Practice (pp. 135-147). London: CRC Press. Bond, C. (2000). An introduction to pharmacy practice. In: C. Bond (ed.), Evidence-based pharmacy (pp. 1-21). London: Pharmaceutical Press. Davison, K., Jurkowski, J., Li, K., Kranz, S. & Lawson, H. ((2013). A childhood obesity intervention developed by families for families: results from a pilot study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(3). Retrieved November 21, 2014 from De Silva-Sanigorski, A. (2011). Obesity prevention in the family day care setting: impact of the Romp & Chomp intervention on opportunities for children’s physical activity and healthy eating. Child Care, Health and Development, 37(3), 385-393. Department of Health (2009). Change4Life. London: Department of Health. Department of Health (2010). Healthy Lives, Healthy People. London: Department of Health. Department of Health (2011). The Eatwell Plate. London: Department of Health. Goodson, P. (2009). Theory in health promotion research and practice: Thinking outside the box. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Jones, S., Mannino, N. & Green, J. (2010). Like me, want me, buy me, eat me’: relationship-building marketing communications in children’s magazines. Public Health and Nutrition, 13(12), 2111-2118. Lubkin, I. & Larsen, P. (2011). Chronic illness: impact and intervention. London: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Levin, B., Hurd, P. & Hanson, A. (2008). Introduction to public health in pharmacy. London: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Naidoo, J. & Wills, J. (2009) Foundations for health promotion. London: Elsevier Health Sciences. Public Health England (2014). Trends in Obesity Prevalence. Retrieved November 21, 2014 from Reilly, J., Montgomery, C., Williamson, A., Fisher, A., McColl, J., Lo Conte, R., Pathon, J. & Grant, S. (2006). Physical activity to prevent obesity in young children: cluster randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, doi: 10.1136/bmj.38979.623773.55 Retrieved November 21, 2014 from Taylor, K., Nettleton, S. & Harding, G. (2004). Sociology for pharmacists: An introduction. London: CRC Press. Tucker, P., Irwin, J., Sangster Bouck, L., He, M. & Pollett, G. (2006). Preventing paediatric obesity; recommendations from a community-based qualitative investigation. Obesity Review, 7(3), 251-260. Zhou, Z., Ren, H., Yin, Z., Wang, L. & Wang, K. (2014). A policy-driven multifaceted approach for the early childhood physical fitness promotion: impacts on body composition and physical fitness in young Chinese children. BMC Pediatrics, 14: 118 Retrieved November 21, 2014 from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Memo Week

We have more than fifteen years of experience In the Puerco Rican market helping successful entrepreneurs establish or expand their operations in the Island. Our expert team has made a thorough analysis based of the information you gave us and is ready to present you the knowledge needed to make an informed decision. I am sure this data will be of great value to you and your partners. Puerco Rice is ranked 40 by the World Bank Group in the list of â€Å"Ease of Doing Business† out of 1 89 in 2014. The same organization ranked the Island number 18 In the starting a business category.There are SIX procedures that need to be fulfilled in order to establish a new enterprise in Puerco Rice as a Corporation: 1 . Check online the uniqueness of the company name and register online at the PR Department of State to obtain a business certificate. 2. Apply for an employer identification number (NINE) with the US Internal Revenue Service and the PR Department of Treasury (Department De Hac ienda). 3. Apply for a municipal business license. 4. Request unemployment and disability account numbers from the PR Department of Labor and Human Resources. 5.Subscribe to a workmen's insurance policy (Fond del Secure del Estate). 6. File an application with the Treasury Department to get the Merchant certificate. These six basic steps will help you begin the process of establishing your operation in Puerco Rice lawfully. There are several other processes you must take care of to ensure that the business will run smoothly. In Puerco Rice all companies are required to provide a yearly financial statement. If the company Is incorporated outside of the Island or if It has a turnover of more than Sum must also include an audited balance sheet.Also, companies must present CPA certified accounting report and a financial statement. Like the United States, companies unction as Spa's that provide public attestation services must be registered with the Public Accounting Oversight Board. Ent ities registered in Puerco Rice are required to prepare and file several statutory reports with different governmental agencies. There are four basic returns that apply to almost every entity: 1 . Income tax return – Entities doing business in Puerco Rice are subject to income taxes that range from 20% to 30%.A return must be filed with the Secretary of Treasury by corporations on or before the 15th day of the month following the end of the taxable year. A foreign entity is subject to Puerco Rice income taxes on its Puerco Rice sourced income and on its Income effectively connected with the Puerco Rice operations. They are allowed to deduct expenses related to the Puerco RICE operations, such as depreciation, also allowed. 2. Estimated income tax payments – Payment of the tax must be done in four installments on or before the 1 5th day of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and twelfth month of the taxable year. . Personal property tax return – All personal property is su bject to a tax that ranges from 5. 80% to 8. 83% depending of the municipality in which is located. This return and payment is due on or before May 15 with the Municipal Revenue Collection Center (CRIME). 4. Volume of business declaration – All businesses are required to pay a license tax based on gross revenues generated. The tax rate varies depending on the municipality but ranges from . 002 to . 005 in the case of non-financial businesses.Also, all corporations registered with the Department of State of Puerco Rice must file an annual corporation on or before April 15 of every year. Puerco Rice has a developed banking industry with 19 commercial banks, most of them local corporations. The FIDE a federal agency that oversees Nanking operations regulates all local commercial banks. Locally the COIF (Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Puerco Rice) regulate, supervise and oversee the financial institutions operating in Puerco Rice.This gives your operation the assurance that all your banking transactions will be made safely in the Island. Credit transactions are held by banks and most of them offer opportunities to entrepreneurs that are establishing business in Puerco Rice. In MEG'S specific area of business, which is mental counseling, Puerco Rice has local laws that apply to foreign counselors who want to establish offices. Being your company originally from Massachusetts, you must present evidence that you passed the NBC national exam.Also you must present evidence that your curriculum complies with certain specific competences in counseling. After all your accreditations have been evaluated by the Professional Counselors Review Board of PR Mount Regenerator De Consenters Professionals De PR) they will issue a provisional license that will allow you to make business as a professional counselor. After that license is provided, you will have three years to comply with 500 mentoring hours given by a board certified mentor hat will award your perm anent license.The license must be renewed every three years and comply with 45 hours of continuing education. We are confident that the information provided in this communication will be useful in the decision of you and your partners. It is very important that MEG Inc. Complies with all local laws and avoids problems that can slow the expansion process. LIMP recommends that MEG Inc. Continue with the expansion plans in Puerco Rice as soon as possible. We look forward to meet with your executive team and continue forward with the plans. It will be a pleasure doing business together.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personnally on Genetic Engineering essays

Personnally on Genetic Engineering essays On the issue of Genetic Engineering, I personally fall in between, I am neither for nor against that issue thus, I could make an argument for both sides. I totally support advancement, particularly when it involves science and technology, etc. But in any situation, where one must take a position, one side often times outweighs the other. As is the case in this situation and since I must choose a side, I will argue against the issue of Genetic modification of foods. I have three questions to support my argument. I begin with religion, is biotechnology so advanced that it now has the right to play God? The second question is who really benefits from this entire process; after all, just recently it was discussed on CNN how a country in South America is experiencing devastating famine, how is that possible when we are able to reproduce foods in a laboratory? And my final question is how much say so do we as consumers have on this issue? Genetically modified foods arent labeled, shouldnt we know what we are eating and where it originates. I dont know about anyone else but that is important to me. Those three issues are very important to everyone who shops for him/herself at a local grocery store or supermarket. My very strict religious background does not allow me to side with the unnatural disruption of nature. I refer to the cross breeding or mixing genes. To say that nature has a mind of its own almost sound moronic but in a way, nature does have a mind if its own, after all, man did not create bananas or tomatoes in a lab, those were created by nature as they were obviously intended to be. And mixing or modifying any of the natural process by which these things were made is not natural and is very possibly dangerous. Things such as allergic reactions, long term effects of these modifications are not tested on a regular basis. In history, there are many cases that prove that scientists must draw the ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Folk Art essays

Folk Art essays The influence of Folk tradition on Afro-American poetry and the impact on the major poets of the 21st century A large of portion of American culture exists today because of the color that the African Americans have given it. Without these people, American culture would have been quite different. From the time that the Africans were brought as slaves to America the traditions became known, and though their forms of art evolved with the passage of time, their folk tradition continued to have an immense influence on their forms of The African Americans have been known for their music, artwork and poetry. These have all largely depicted the tribulations that they have been put through as people, illustrating the ways that they were oppressed by the whites. Although some of their expressions are blatant, they have largely succeeded in attracting an audience that consists of whites and non- African American poetry appears to demonstrate a relation with its folk tradition, and on the basis of this it is worth investigating the relationship between African American poetry and folk tradition. It is 1. What kinds of themes are basically presented in African American 2. What purpose might they have served' 3. Are the themes in older poetry similar to contemporary ones' Several African Americans have demonstrated a traditional approach to their work, and since these appear to relate strongly to their messages, it is may be said that folk tradition has had an impact on African American Originally when the Africans were brought as slaves to America, the first form of expression that they brought along with them was spiritual music. This music initially had nothing to do with the Christianity as it is demonstrated later. This music exemplified the folk lore that wa...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

423 Amazing Community Service Ideas

423 Amazing Community Service Ideas SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Volunteering is a great way to fulfill community service requirements for school, strengthenyour resume, and give back to your community. However, some students have difficulties finding a volunteer opportunity that they are excited about. Need some inspiration to do good deeds? Read on for a list of over 400community service ideas for teens. WhyShould You Do Community Service? There are a lot of reasons whyhigh school students choose to docommunity service projects. Some students have to do them – more and more schools are requiring community service activities as a prerequisite for graduation. Others, however, choose to volunteer because they want to get a better understanding of the world around them, develop skill sets, and become more empathetic people who are involved in the world. Volunteering can help youbecome anactive and caring citizen who wants to make a difference in the world. When working closely with other people who are in difficult situations, you canlearn to empathize with others and develop good instincts for social justice. Community service can also give you opportunities to take what you've learned in the classroom and apply it to real-world situations.Youcan experience things that were previously outside of yourcomfort zone and learn how to improveproblems that communities face. Community service is also a great way to learn many of the â€Å"intangibles† that youwill need later in life, such as taking initiative, developing a sense of responsibility, learning to be a leader, and developing critical thinking skills. The skills and personal development that youcangainthroughcommunity service activities are also the kinds of things that are important for college applications. Colleges are always interested in students who are going to make a difference and change the world in one way or another. By showing them that you have already been actively involved in making a difference, they will be more likely to seeyou as the kind of person who will continue to do so. How to Use This List of Community Service Ideas Think about your interests. What kinds of activities are most interesting to you? Do you have a specific talent that you would like to be able to use? Is there a cause you are particularly passionate about? Acertain group of people you would like to work with? This list is broken into different categories so you can easily find an idea that relates to what you are most interested in. Determinethe amount of time you are able to commit. Some of the projects on this list are one-time activities. Others are long-term projects that require a lot of initiative and planning. How much time can you realistically contribute? Make sure that whatever you choose to do is something that you can finish! Think about the kind of impact you would like to have in your community. Do you want to start a new annual event? Do you need something with quantifiable numbers for your college application? Or are you most concerned about helping people in a more personal and intangible way? Consider what kind of legacy you are hoping for. If you don’t see anything on this list that interests you, keep an eye out for other community service opportunities. There are some great websites, like and, whichcan connect you with local activities. Also, talk to friends, neighbors, and communityleaders to see if there are otherways to get involved. Have fun, and remember to learn from your volunteering experience! General Volunteering Ideas Volunteer to do marketing for a non-profit by using your social media skills Volunteer to take photos for a non-profit organization Organize a thank-you event for volunteers in the community Help write grant proposals for a non-profit Help do research for a non-profit Volunteer to help at a charity auction Donatea piece of your own work or a talent toa charity auction Write an e-newsletter for a non-profit Help find financial sponsors for a non-profit event Volunteer as a programming intern for a non-profit Volunteer to be a translator (at the doctor’s office, etc.) for someone who cannot speak or understand English well Run a competition for local kids and teens to see who can log the most community service hours in a month Organize a campaign to promote tolerance Volunteer to do digital design work for a non-profit Create a website for a non-profit School Volunteering Ideas Become a peer tutor Join a community service club, such as the Key Club or the Sparrow Club, and participate in volunteer projects Help a teacher decorate his or her classroom Volunteer to be a teacher’s aide Donate leftover food from the school cafeteria to a food bank Help organize a school awards ceremony to recognize student achievements Plan a lunch event for students to get to know each other outside of their normal groups Organize meetings for new students to make sure they feel welcome Plan for a police officer to give a presentation on safety Start an anti-smoking or drinking campaign to raise awareness at your school Collect used computers and donate them to students who don’t have their own computers Teach an IT class so students can learn how to fix old computers Make flash cards for students to study from Plan for a health careprofessional to give a presentation to the school on good health practices during flu season Give back to your teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week Have a book drive to give to a local school that does not have a library Organize an aluminum can drive and recycle the cans. Donate the proceeds Organize a buddy system in your school, so that older students can mentor younger students Start a club to raise awareness of another culture Help out students who are learning English as a second language Create a school newsletter that showcases the activities and achievements of different students Become a peer counselor Have a school supply drive for students in need Help make your school’s yearbook Organize a canned food drive Organize for students to walk to school in safe groups from their neighborhoods Make a list of volunteer activities that students can participate in Help keep the equipment on the playground in top shape! Get volunteers to paint benches, etc. Teach a class in Spanish or another foreign language Holiday or Special OccasionVolunteering Ideas Host an Easter Egg Hunt for local disadvantaged children Distribute pamphlets for kids on how to stay safe at Halloween Help plan a cultural awareness day for a holiday Plan a tea for mothers on Mothers’ Day Help a senior citizens home with spring cleaning Organize a â€Å"gift† center before holidays by taking donations of gifts from volunteers and allowing low-income families to purchase the gifts for low prices (or for free) Donate a meal for a needy family at Thanksgiving Bake Christmas cookies for someone who would appreciate them Make a pamphlet about food safety for the holiday season Plan a healthy event for National Nutrition Month in March Clean up a trail on National Trail Day Participate in Make A Difference Day in October Homemade Bread Day is November 17th– bake a loaf of bread and donate it to a food bank or a member of your community On your birthday, instead of gifts, ask people to donate to a charity Create May Day baskets for senior citizens Plan a thank you reception for fathers on Fathers’ Day Participate in Global Youth Service Day in April Send Valentine’s cards to veterans or active duty soldiers After Halloween, collect used costumes from neighborhood children to donate to a shelter or to foster children for next year Help decorate a community Christmas tree Donate a Christmas tree or other holiday decorations to a homeless shelter Make a list of safety tips for Halloween trick-or-treaters Plan a Memorial Day remembrance ceremony Ring the bell for the Salvation Army to collect donations Donate Halloween candy to a charity Adopt a family at Christmas and buy gifts and toys for them Church Volunteering Ideas Take part in a church food drive Create a drive or collection to supply items on your church’s wish list Take part in a drive to benefit emergency shelters by collecting travel-sized shampoo, soaps, and other hygiene items Become a mentor for a younger member of the church community Help out with the landscaping near the church Volunteer your sewing skills to make sure that the various fabric items (seat covers, garments, table runners, etc.) in your church are not frayed or ripped Volunteer at church food fundraisers, such as pancake breakfasts Join a church volunteer organization, such as the Knights of Columbus Join a visitation team to visit sick members of the church who cannot come to mass and other events Become apeercounselor in your church Help run audio equipment and make sure that your church’s electronics are up to date and working Volunteer as a musician Volunteer as a dancer or actor for special productions, such as a Christmas pageant Volunteer to watch young members of the church during events Volunteer to teach a class to young members of the church Offer to help clean up, remove debris and decorations from seating areas and walkways after events Make baked goods for sale or to donate at events Brew and deliver coffee to events – some churches go through as much as 90 gallons of coffee every weekend Join a high school ministry team Help lead a kid’s choir Use your photography skills to take pictures of events Help out with marketing by using your graphic design skills Volunteer for or organize an Operation Christmas Child group Public Safety Volunteering Ideas Work with the fire department to teach classes on fire safety to local schools Raise money through a biking event and use the money to raise awareness on bike safety Raise money to promote awareness of wearing seat belts Help your school organize a drug and alcohol-free event for after prom Host a drug-free pledge event at your school Teach a class on drug awareness and prevention Create a campaign to raise awareness about common toxins Create an awareness campaign to teach kids how to stay safe at home Make sure railroad crossings have clearly marked signs Volunteer at your local police station Raise money to have community fire hydrants re-painted Spread awareness of a cause or issue on social media Create a flyer about public safety and distribute it to schools Get a lifeguard certification and volunteer at a local pool Teach children how to fix their bicycles and make sure they are safe Help the Red Cross maintain supplies and equipment for their Home Fire Preparedness Campaign Volunteer at a local health clinic Family and Friends Volunteering Ideas Host a Youth For Understanding student in your house Host an exchange student Have a garage sale and donate the proceeds to a charity Volunteer to walk younger children home from school Start an after-school group for young students to spend time together before their parents pick them up Organize a child development workshop Volunteer at an immunization clinic Take a group of neighborhood kids to the playground Donate toys to the local day care Plan an outing foran elderly neighbor who lives alone Use your spare bedroom to house someone who has lost their home in a natural disaster Create a forum to parents and teens to discuss concerns openly in a positive environment Take a grandparent out for the day Create an informational brochure about tips for new parents Be ready to drive an expecting mother to a hospital Create a web forum for teens to ask questions about safe dating and relationship practices Help an elderly family member improve the safety in his or her house, such as by installing railings in the bathtub Organize volunteers in your neighborhood to check in on ill, elderly neighbors so they are not neglected Donate diapers to a needy family with a baby Offer to babysit for your parents or a neighbor Community Volunteering Ideas Help a local nursery look after young children Set up and run a concession stand for a non-profit theater group Help immigrants study for their citizenship exams Volunteer at a local charity thrift shop – jobs include sorting, stocking, labeling, and running a cash register Help teach children about future potential careers Host a refugee familyand collect donations that will help them settle into their new lives Volunteer at a local museum Become a Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts volunteer/coach Work with children who have suffered abuse Volunteer at a battered women’s shelter Volunteer at a local carnival or event. You can hand out publicity material, watch younger kids, or do an activity like painting faces Teach lessons at a local community center in something that you are talented in – such as a sport, art, music, etc Plan an ethnic awareness day Form a childcare group or free babysitters’ club for parents who need help Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity to build a home for a family in need Contact a local celebrity for an autographed item, then sell it and donate the money to charity Donate stuffed animals to a shelter Collect and repair used bicycles and use them to create a community fund for kids to use Start a local food bank if your community doesn’t have one Help decorate the main parts of your town for community events and holidays Collect cosmetics and donate them to a women’s shelter Teach a sewing class so people can learn to repair their own clothes Paint a mural Advocate to local government officials for important causes Organize a community band Do a used reading glasses drive and donate them to a charity Donate used clothes for foster children Organize a community choir Raise funds for a public walking trail Re-paint signs that have faded Volunteer at your local library Research historical sites in your area. Working with your local tourism board, make a brochure for visitors to use Set up a book exchange Raise money for new play structures to be added to your local park Petition for the creation of a dog park Raise money to have plaques or signs posted on places of interest in your town Help people in your community register to vote Create a community web site Petition your local government to make sure that all public facilities are easily accessible to all people Clean up trash after a community event. Raise money for a town statue or monument Help plan a celebratory parade Set up an event to welcome new people to your neighborhood Send care packages to soldiers (Operation Shoebox) Become a tour guide for a local organization Raise money for a cause at a 24-hour dance party Make maps of the local area for tourists to use Visit a sick member of the community Organize a carnival to show community spirit Organize a book drive for foster children Crisis Volunteering Ideas Become a volunteer firefighter Arrange donations for a group that has recently become homeless or lost property due to a natural disaster Participate in or organize a blood drive Participate in or organize a fooddrive Volunteer with the Red Cross as a kitchen/feeding worker. Feed people in need after a crisis. Become a Red Cross Ambassador – help with reception and hospitality for volunteers Do community outreach for the Red Cross. Hand out flyers, etc. Take part in a Red Cross national youth preparedness program Join a CitiIMPACT team to respond to a local disaster Coordinate records for the Red Cross Help the Red Cross maintain and make minor repairs to their vehicles by doing things like checking lights, tire pressure, battery, and adding fluids Host a CPR class for people to become CPR certified Environmental Volunteering Ideas Volunteer to clean up your local park Plant flowers in public areas (with permission) Petition your local utility company to create energy conservation programs Campaign to improve lighting in public buildings so energy isn’t wasted Teach about the benefits that insects have on the environment Create an informational pamphlet about the correct use of pesticides Bring local honey to schools to start a discussion about the importance of bees Take photos of the natural beauty in your area, and use them to advocate for better environmental practices Raise bees so they have a safe place to live Clean up a local river, pond, or lake Set up a casual carpool in your local area for commuters. This will help reduce air pollution Organize a community-wide cleanup event Clean and re-paint signs on a local trail Get your class raise money to adopt an acre of the rainforest Raise money to re-plant trees in a local forest Create a brochure to inform neighbors about how to keep their homes energy efficient. Do you have an endangered species nearby? Lobby your local government to make a protected habitat. Adopt a highway and keep it clean Start a community butterfly garden Raise awareness of the environmental harm of disposable shopping bags. Lobby for a bag tax Raise money to have local streams, creeks, lakes, and rivers tested for water safety Lobby your local government to switch over to using recycled office materials Plant a tree in a public place for others to enjoy Organize a community recycling center Organize monthly e-recycling events Start a community action group for people interested in protecting the environment Get a Green Peace speaker to come to your school Adopt a park and organize cleaning events to keep it nice for the public to use Plant a community vegetable patch Pick up trash around your neighborhood Make a recycling awareness campaign Set up a web site for neighbors to easily exchange and share fruit they grow in their yards Campaign against the dumping of hazardous materials Clean up a local beach Animal Volunteering Ideas Help out at an animal shelter adoption event Walk dogs from an animal shelter Do a pet food drive and donate the proceeds to a local animal charity or animal shelter Volunteer with the ASPCA Volunteer at a charity dog show Raise awareness about flea control Walk a disabled neighbor’s pet Raise money for protective gear for police dogs Raise money to put waste disposal bags around town Give a presentation about dog care Sponsor an obedience class Train a service dog Raise money for an animal charity Set up an animal therapy area where people can come spend time with animals and potentiallyadopt them Raise awareness about ticks and other local dangers to pets Volunteer at your local zoo Make comfortable dog beds Offer to do a load of laundry (or more) for an animal shelter Host a pet food and supplies drive and donate the proceeds to an animal shelter Adopt a zoo animal and raise money to ensure its welfare Volunteer to do social media for an animal shelter Take photos of shelter animals so they can be advertised for adoption Help set up booths for an adoption event Volunteer to transport animals to vet appointments Helphandle dogs and cats at shelter events Collect old towels from local hotels and donate them to an animal shelter Set up public bird feeders If your pet is healthy, take them to a pet blood bank to donate blood Foster a dog or cat Create a brochure about the importance of spaying and neutering animals to control unsustainable population growth Take your pet to visit sick people in a hospital Hungry and Homeless Volunteering Ideas Join a CitiIMPACT Meal MANIA group to prepare and distribute meals to hungry people Run a resume writing workshop to help people return to work Organize a drive for scarves, coats, hats, and mittens, and donate them to a homeless shelter Make sandwiches, cookies, cake, or other items for a local food bank/soup kitchen Tutor a child living in a homeless shelter Organize a drive for scarves, coats, hats, and mittens, and donate them to a homeless shelter Become a youth mentor for a child in need Help an adult learn to read and write Put together a team to make repairs at a homeless shelter or women’s shelter Volunteer to work at a homeless shelter Plan for a healthcare professional to visit a local homeless shelter to give tips on how to stay healthy Run a canned food drive and donate the proceeds to a food bank or homeless shelter Read a book to a child at a homeless shelter Teach a class on how to repair clothing Donate care packages to homeless shelters. They should include essential toiletries such as toothpaste, deodorant, soap, etc. Collect food that is on its â€Å"sell by† date from local grocery stores and donate it to a food bank Work with a local homeless shelter or thrift store to sort donations Collect blankets and donate them to a local homeless shelter Donate pajamas to a shelter Raise money for organizations that help build shelters for the homeless Create a reading center at your local homeless shelter Plan an art supply drive and donate the proceeds to a local shelter for kids to play with. Donate toys to a local shelter for kids to play with. Collect unwanted fruit from neighbors with fruit trees and donate it to a food bank Built flower boxes for Habitat for Humanity houses Teach computer skills to people at homeless shelters to help improve their chances of getting a job Cook a meal for a homeless shelter Pick up food at the end of the day from local bakeries and restaurants and donate it to a food bank Senior Citizen Volunteering Ideas Join a Music Memory program at a local senior home. Help seniors with cognitive functioning problems continue to engage in daily activities Help seniors keep in touch with loved ones by volunteering to send emails and helping out with technology Volunteer to read to senior citizens who have vision problems Bring cookies, ice cream or other sweets to a senior home Host a â€Å"senior prom† at a local senior home or nursing facility Listen to a senior citizen’s life stories and help preserve them in memoirs Coordinate activities at an assisted living center, such as Bingo Nights Mow the lawn for an elderly neighbor Help seniors plant a garden at a senior facility Get a senior citizen pen pal Write letters for a senior citizen who has limited mobility Find someone to do electrical repairs for a senior citizen’s home Make sure the seniors in your neighborhood have transportation to the doctor and to pick up prescription medications Make birthday cards for nursing home residents Wash a car for a senior citizen Host a dance class aimed at seniors to help keep them active Teach an elderly person how to effectively use the internet Become an advocate for seniors who don’t feel they can speak up for themselves in important matters, such as at the doctors’ office Hold a community event to honor the contributions made by long-time members of the community Help a senior with grocery shopping Make sure seniors have working smoke alarms in their homes Help hang curtains for a senior citizen Help a senior citizen paint their house Help a senior citizen with minor carpentry projects Fix or replace a broken appliance for a senior citizen Deliver food to senior citizens unable to leave their homes Special Needs and Education Volunteering Ideas Volunteer to help train a Special Olympics athlete Learn American Sign Language and make an effort to talk to deaf members of the community Petition to have ramps added to buildings in your community Run a new toy drive and donate the proceeds to children who are in a hospital Put on a play for kids in a hospital Make sure that your school structure is disability-friendly Become a mentor for a special needs child Volunteer to tutor a child with developmental disabilities Make an awareness campaign about learning differences Become a volunteer at an organization that works with children with special needs Teach American Sign Language to someone else to improve communication with the deaf community Teach an art class to help kids with special needs express themselves Arrange a performance for special needs children Volunteer with Best Buddies Volunteer with The Friendship Circle Help a physically disabled neighbor clean up their house or yard Health and Disease/Disability VolunteeringIdeas Work at an event like â€Å"Celebrate Every Breath† for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Sew blankets for premature babies at a local hospital Sponsor a local health fair to offer free blood pressure testing and vision and hearing tests Raise money to sponsor free skin cancer checks Get the local health department to set up an immunization clinic Volunteer at a health fair Donate blood Display information on common health issues and prevention in public areas, such as schools, libraries, senior centers, and shelters Make an informational handout about health services available to low-income residents Donate health magazines to homeless shelters Raise awareness about good dental health Assist in mealtime at a home for physically disabled individuals Raise awareness for lung cancer with an organization like LUNGevity Raise money to have athletes in your school tested for rare heart conditions Plan a performance (comedy, music, etc.) for children in a local hospital Build a playground for children with physical disabilities Raisemoney to support service dog training and availability in your community Play a game with a physically disabled person Participate in a charity race, such as Race for the Cure or Relay for Life Play an adaptive sport with a person with a physical disability Do a 5K run or walk with the Ronald McDonald House Help disabled adults learn how to swim Do a Swim for Multiple Sclerosis event Fundraise for lung cancer Make a community memorial for those who have died from cancer Organize an informational assembly at the local school to discuss nutrition Promote eating seasonal foods Print out cards with nutritional information and donate them to a senior center Volunteer at a women’s shelter and teach them about healthy food choices Donate fruit to schools so students have healthy snacks to eat Run a healthy recipe competition. Donate the proceeds to a health charity Promote locally grown, organic food Art, Sport, and Other Hobbies Volunteering Ideas Become a summer or after-school camp counselor for younger kids Collect children’s games and donate them to an after school group, summer camp, or other group Coach a summer sports club Form a band with your friends and play at community events Help your community organize a youth marching band Host a fun run to raise money for a cause Sew dolls for children’s homes, shelters, charities, etc. Teach a child how to play a musical instrument Organize an instrument drive and give any collected instruments to kids who want to play but can’t afford to Teach a class on how to sing Get your community to donate old sports equipment and give it to the local community center so that kids can go there to play Create a community literary newsletter to allow members of the community to show off their talents Teach a dance class to kids Teach a summer class in something you are great at – art, science, etc. Teach kids how to swim Provide a free concessions stand a youth sport event If you love cooking, try getting together a group of people and make a recipe in large quantities. You can donate the food to a food bank or homeless shelter Organize a community dinner Use your writing skills to do marketing work for a local youth team Collect art supplies and donate them to a local school or community center Plan a community mural– get kids involved and teach them how to paint Help start a community youth theater Teach kids how to act Organize a marathon for a special cause Teach children wildlife safety and survival tactics Crime Volunteering Ideas Participate in a violence prevention program Distribute flyers about a local crime problem to raise awareness Join a crime prevention organization Raise awareness of the harm of victim-blaming Help plan and create a victim support service Make a PSA about how to safeguard against a crime Organize a community self-defense workshop Organize a day for people to come together and clean up graffiti Produce an anti-violence play and anti-crime play for children Advertise crime hotlines Make a PSA about crisis help hotlines Donate books, toys, and personal items to a local juvenile detention center Make a crime clue box Start a neighborhood crime watch program Volunteering Abroad Ideas Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity to build a home abroad Work in an elephant conserve in Thailand Do conservation work to help save seals in South Africa Do conservation work to help savedolphins in Kenya Do conservation work to help save brown bears in Romania Volunteer at a refugee center Work on an organic farm internationally Volunteer as an archaeologist Teach sports abroad Volunteer in an area that has been hit with a natural disaster Help teach basic health practices in developing countries Do conservation work to help save pandas in China Help rehabilitate African penguins Teach business English to someone with a business abroad Campaign against poaching Work on a farm in the Philippines Do conservation work to help save turtles in Costa Rica Start a project to empower girls in other countries Teach communities about AIDS and HIV Help out people with disabilities abroad Campaign for women’s rights abroad Speak out against social injustices Help teach victims of sex trafficking a marketable skill Do an internship in human rights Teach girls in developing countries how to make feminine hygiene products What's Next? Want to find your own community service project? Here are the 9 best places to do community service. Not sure that community service is worth your time? Learn about some of the ways that community service can benefit you. One of the best ways to benefit from community service is through scholarship. Check out our list of community service scholarships that you can win. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Achieving Personal Autonomy through Education Dissertation - 1

Achieving Personal Autonomy through Education - Dissertation Example The concept of personal autonomy traces its roots to the ancient Greek philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Both men proposed that the rational part of the soul is its most important part and the ideal for humanity is associated with self-sufficiency and being non-dependent on other people (Backus, 2003). Kant later developed the idea of moral autonomy as having authority over one’s actions and soon thereafter, the idea of autonomy in learning has become a part of a wide range of educational philosophies and has been identified recently in educational policy to be crucial to the development of learning (Honderich, 2005). Autonomy simply resided on morals in its early years, but then views about this began to change in the 21st century. For Dworkin ( 1988 ), the concept of autonomy includes one’s overall point of view towards how one lives one’s life. He points out that each individual, whether the most learned or the most carefree, conforms to his or her own personal view of what makes life valuable (Dworkin, 1988). Thus, Dworkin is actually saying that each person reveals how he or she conceives goodness or the good life through his or her behavior. For Raz (1988), the concept of personal autonomy is much more specific as he emphasizes that the individual is responsible for whatever happens to his or her life. As such, an individual with personal autonomy is identified not only by his actual choices in life but by the presence of choices themselves (Raz, 1988). Therefore, an individual can really just be autonomous if these choices are available and if the outcome of his or her life is based on the choices that he or she has made along the way. He adds that if the individual does not have these choices in the first place, then he or she cannot really be labeled as autonomous (Raz, 1988).

Friday, October 18, 2019

How Has Twitter Changed Communication Research Paper

How Has Twitter Changed Communication - Research Paper Example Analysis of timing, content intensity of occurrence, and the range of use in semiotics in the students’ tweets for curriculum change, is carried out using the approach of case study. The findings of the research were that about 40% of the tweets were positive about study groups conducted. Of the study groups, micro blogs about 42% had semiotic expressions about study group sentiments. In these, more than 60% were encouraging and the rest were posting critics about the study groups. Analyzing the micro blogs use of semiotics for composition and organization, the language composition of tweets approximated the language patterns of natural linguistic expressions. Findings show that, semiotics’ use in micro blogging is a tool used online for students’ word of mouth expressions. A discussion that schools should use the micro blogs as part of their education curriculum corresponded to this fact. The definition of social network is: â€Å"Websites which enable persons to create a free or communal profile bounded by specific rules of a system, be able to see a list of other bloggers who they share something in common and be able navigate through their list of links and those created by others bloggers within the structure†. The temperament and structure of semiotics usually varies from one website to another. (Boyd D, 3). For a website to be developed, collaboration and the community are extremely vital characteristics and are the prime features of virtual reality and social network. These combined with the ever- present online internet access, people who were at some point had parallel lifestyles and cultures are constantly connected. An enquiry concerning the overall effect of these social networks platforms has to be done. This paper uses semiotics to investigate the bond between students and the administration in improving the level of study groups in an institution. Given that twitter has very distinct features and characteristics, it h as potential to have an impact on relations, which is a key factor to improvement in students study groups and their grades in a subject. There is no doubt that Social networks are unique because they let people convene strangers and helps users to control and increase the chances of their social networks noticeable through opening of profiles. The result is that, individuals who would not otherwise be friends are connected. More often than not, this is not the main reason but these connections are usually between â€Å"latent ties† of persons who have a connection outside the Web (Haythornthwaite). On a larger scale, people who are in the social networking systems are neither â€Å"networking† nor interested in looking for new friends, but rather are making contact with people who an inclusion of their elongated social network. The expressed social networks are stressed upon as being a significant organizing characteristic by being labeled â€Å"social network sitesà ¢â‚¬ . While the social network structures have a vast variety of technical features implementations, their strength of character consists of profiles that can be seen and display an expressed list of friends who also use the system. Profiles are usually distinct pages that a person can â€Å"proclaim into being† (Sunden, 17). Main body In the near past, people usually work from eight in the morning to five in the evening every day. Nights and weekends were usually left for family

U.S. Constitution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

U.S. Constitution - Assignment Example However, one’s actions ought to exhibit humanity coupled with astuteness (Doug, 2012). Conversely, congress appropriates funding that ought not to persist beyond two years after ascertaining action for war is necessary (Doug, 2012). This process entails holding the culprit in custody where the ICE tables his or her case before the immigration judge who gives the final verdict (Whalen, 2009). This regards whether an individual will face deportation or excused due to some extenuating circumstances as stated by the law (Whalen, 2009). The immigrant may concede or contest besides having a chance to make an appeal. These extenuating circumstances may comprise; one having young children who may suffer once the parent faces deportation (Whalen, 2009). Therefore, the court excuses the acquitted to apply for a green card, which is also similar to those who may win their cases based on other lawful reasons (Whalen, 2009). The act avails adequate and comprehensive security measures meant to shun terrorism in U.S (McWhirter, 2006). This is via its diverse organs where some focus on deporting aliens whom the authorities deem they are threat to the natives’ security after meticulous investigation (McWhirter, 2006). Lawful enemy combatants are militia groups of any state or party waging hostilities anti the US’ regime (Linnan, 2008). Mostly, this may be due to diversities based on political ideologies or other disagreements that prompt the states under one command engage the US (Linnan, 2008). Conversely, unlawful enemy combatants lack any recognizable command even in their regions, whereby they are out to defend their interests by inflicting suffering and fear to the natives besides the entire world, for illustration, Taliban (Linnan, 2008). Whalen, J. (2009). ICE: Illegal immigrants allowed due process. The Standard Speaker. Retrieved on 9Th January 2013 from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Exploration of womens role in the construction industry Essay

An Exploration of womens role in the construction industry - Essay Example typically one of the most male dominated areas of the labour market, with women working in the industry making up only 10 percent of the UK construction workforce; in the general population, this workforce amounts to about 45 percent. The importance of the female worker will be noted, as ideas aimed at bringing women into construction work are examined. There is more awareness in the general population that women are an asset to professions such as architecture, and the construction organisation needs to address how to recruit women into the industry, and retain them within the workforce for as long as possible. An examination of how women are recruited and retained throughout the labour market, and comparison with the construction industry, may provide some answers. The construction industry is one of the most important industry sectors in terms of economic growth and employment. This sector is also crucial in producing goods and investment opportunities, with around 58 percent of the EU’s production depending directly or indirectly, upon the construction industry. However, the sector’s performance in the spheres of research and innovation is poor, with less than one percent of its turnover being returned for use in research and development funding. Some research considering the position of women within science and engineering has been done, but very little is known about the role of women within construction research, and the factors which hinder the equal participation of men and women within the industry. There appears to be a lack of awareness, or acknowledgement within the profession of issues that specifically relate to women within the workforce, and towards female architects in particular. Women’s accomplishments in the architectural field are not well-known, and are also not well publicized through university programmes, awards, or other promotional materials and events. Women entering the architectural practice after completing their degree

Taxonomy on existing techniques of reducing false alarms in Annotated Bibliography

Taxonomy on existing techniques of reducing false alarms in sensor-based healthcare monitoring systems - Annotated Bibliography Example According to Qassim, Patel and Modzhin (2014), fuzzy logic risk analysis is implemented to reduce false alarm instances and maintain sufficient level of security against serious attacks in intrusion and detection systems. The primary purpose of an intrusion and detection system is to identify attackers trying to infiltrate a network and expose vulnerable resources. By using a Fuzzy Logic-Risk Analysis (FLRA) model, the Qassim et al. (2014) aimed to reduce instances of false positives. By calculating the significance and severity of each suspected attack, the system establishes whether an activity can be classified as attempted attack or normal behavior miss judged by the detection system. The model comprises four layers: integrated interface, knowledge manager, autonomic manager, and resource manager. The topmost layer represents the integration point of the system administrator and the intrusion detection system. At this level, strategies and policies are defined and implemented. Th e section responsible for false positive reduction is the Intrusion Detection Manager. This second layer referred as the Fuzzy Logic-Risk Analysis Intrusion Detection Manager is responsible comprises of four modules: monitor module, analyzer, planner module and control module. All the modules act systematically to detect any attempts of intrusion, eliminate false positives and perform necessary changes to the protected element. Fuzzy Logic-Risk Analysis model works in two mechanisms: identifying the risk and assessing the risk. Once the risk has been identified it is assessed using weighted averages and consequently categorized. Threats are categorized based on their ability to cause harm to asset elements. Once the risk has been identified, residual and exposed risks are analyzed using Fuzzy logic from which different countermeasures are applied to mitigate it. FLRA model works by taking the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An Exploration of womens role in the construction industry Essay

An Exploration of womens role in the construction industry - Essay Example typically one of the most male dominated areas of the labour market, with women working in the industry making up only 10 percent of the UK construction workforce; in the general population, this workforce amounts to about 45 percent. The importance of the female worker will be noted, as ideas aimed at bringing women into construction work are examined. There is more awareness in the general population that women are an asset to professions such as architecture, and the construction organisation needs to address how to recruit women into the industry, and retain them within the workforce for as long as possible. An examination of how women are recruited and retained throughout the labour market, and comparison with the construction industry, may provide some answers. The construction industry is one of the most important industry sectors in terms of economic growth and employment. This sector is also crucial in producing goods and investment opportunities, with around 58 percent of the EU’s production depending directly or indirectly, upon the construction industry. However, the sector’s performance in the spheres of research and innovation is poor, with less than one percent of its turnover being returned for use in research and development funding. Some research considering the position of women within science and engineering has been done, but very little is known about the role of women within construction research, and the factors which hinder the equal participation of men and women within the industry. There appears to be a lack of awareness, or acknowledgement within the profession of issues that specifically relate to women within the workforce, and towards female architects in particular. Women’s accomplishments in the architectural field are not well-known, and are also not well publicized through university programmes, awards, or other promotional materials and events. Women entering the architectural practice after completing their degree

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Paper on Comparative analysis of Wal-Mart, Kmart and

On Comparative analysis of Wal-Mart, Kmart and Burlington - Research Paper Example 10) through different business and management strategies. Almost all different companies play very uniquely in the market with varying organizational objectives, visions, techniques, ideas and strategies and therefore all these companies provide illuminating examples for how differently a market can be created and maintained. This piece of research paper presents a comparative study of the company background information, organizational cultures and environmental factors of three well known companies; Wal-Mart, Kmart and Burlington Coat factory. Based on the comparative analysis of the business strategies and marketing techniques of these three companies, this paper explains how different companies play uniquely in the market by creating values for their customers to make them ultimately satisfied. Company Background Information Wal-Mart The Wal-Mart is always an amazing business story since it has emerged to be the largest retailer from the dream of a family to start a small lucrativ e retail business with their personal saving of six thousand dollars (Soderquist, 2005). Out of all the retail and other brands in the US, Wal-Mart has undoubtedly affected the life of millions around the world by changing their lifestyle, culture and social status too. Wal-Mart operates retail stores in various formats and segments across the world such as discount stores, supercentres, neighborhood markets, Sam’s club and market-side. It is ranked first by Fortune 500 on the list of America’s largest corporations and also as one among the world’s largest corporations listed in 2011. Wal-Mart stores provide its customers with wide range of national as well as internationally recognized brands in categories of grocery, home appliance, entertainment, health and wellness, apparel, home wares and so on. One of the major strengths of the company is that it can quickly shift the products mix to adapt to changes in demand and market since the company has dominant posi tion in its market and also that it provides wide ranges of goods and services (Datamonitor, 2011). The Wal-Mart story The Wal-Mart story begins with Sam Walton’s dream to start a small franchise Ben Franklin’s variety store in Arkansas, Bentonville in 1945 (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2009, p. 293). The retail store that Sam Walton started began to inspire a group of people with his uncanny ability and his vision to create not just one-of-a-kind company but a revolutionary business model and thus to grow to impact the standard of living for millions upon millions of people every day in the US and worldwide (Soderquist, 2005). Until 1962, the business was entirely devoted to the operation of franchise variety stores. By July 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers and this has eventually grown to be a large chain with 24 stores that ringed up $ 12.7 million sales in 1967. In 1969, the company is formally incorporates as Wal-Mart Stores Inc (History

Monday, October 14, 2019

The True Measure of Success Essay Example for Free

The True Measure of Success Essay â€Å"Beware ! Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have. Real life is not measured by how much we own. † Luke 12: 15 Success in the world system is measured by how much wealth one has accumulated. The rich people are considered as the most successful. This is the main driving force behind everyman’s hard work. Hard work is good and highly commended in the Bible but it should not be used as a means to satisfy one’s covetousness. The rich are highly honored in the world. They are given the best seat wherever they go. They are highly esteemed people. They live in the most expensive communities and villages. They drive the most expensive cars. They are dressed with the most expensive wardrobe. They eat the best cuisine. No wonder it becomes everyone’s dream to be rich. So covetousness becomes the driving force behind hard work. So every people in the world covet the lifestyle of the rich. So many people become discontented in their life, dissatisfied with just having the basic things in life. So they pursue for their worldly ambitions and turn away from the ways of God. But Jesus says, â€Å"Real life is not measured by how much we own. † In Jesus mindset to become rich is not synonymous to being successful. For Him, success is not measured by the worldly standard. What is then the true measure of success? It is written in I John 2:17: â€Å"And this world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever. † Everything in the world, all the things it crave such as wealth, material possessions, money, position, power ,prestige, etc. are all bound to fade away. The world system is not meant to last forever. There will be an end for everything. Worldly success is not bound for eternity for one day God will judge the world and will destroy it. Those who hold on to the things the world give will be greatly frustrated. And who will remain forever? According to the passage those who do the will of God will live forever. Can you count on to your earthly wealth to make you live forever? Even the world’s richest people have no power to make themselves live forever. Their vast wealth cannot make them live for eternity. When they die, they cannot bring their wealth to their tombs. They have to pass it to somebody else, to their next generation. Can we then consider worldly wealth as a measure of success if it has no power to make us live for eternity. Therefore the measure of success is based upon whether you have fulfilled the†Will of God† in your own life for this will make us live forever. You can say that you are successful then if at the end of your life you can pronounce what apostle Paul has said before he died: â€Å"I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. † Apostle Paul was able to say this because he was able to fulfill the mission God entrusted to him. He was able to do the â€Å"will of God† in his life therefore Paul’s life is indeed a great success.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Health Promotion Care: An analysis

Health Promotion Care: An analysis Health Promotion Care Module 2 Discussion Question Health promotion refers to the process of providing health care services to the public for increasing their awareness towards health education. Health promotion policy focuses on the prevention of health care problems in non-health care sectors and renders different ways to remove them. The health promotion techniques are based on different principles. The principles are: fundamental requirements of health, quality of life, fairness in health, building healthy policies for public health care, societal health care, educating for health improvement, making better life skills and effective community actions. The main aim of health care sector is to provide clinical and curative services to the communities for living healthy life (Marmot, 1996). Discussion and Analysis In Australia, there is a large population of aboriginal people and it is a colonized country. The government of Australia has implemented various health care policies for the improvement of health of people. But, the health of people does not improve with the divestment of health care promotion services. The aim of the government should be focused on continuously improving the health of the people, it should not be affected by the rational economic thought and health resource allocation. With the increasing expenditures in the health facilities, the public government is curbing many health care activities which in turn results in increasing malnutrition problems among the people. This can further result in increasing the death rate in the country and it will suffer from potential loss of people which can affect the productivity and growth of the country (Marmot, 1996). The government authorities should focus on improving the mental and physical health of the people. It should plan the health budget in such a way that gives maximum output with minimum expenditure but should not reduce the health care facilities for people. Government should appoint psychologists for understanding the mental state of the people. It should also pay attention towards health care facilities for children. It should introduce special child development programs and should have child care providers that increase immunization rates and create healthy child care environment (Louise Parker, 2008). The resource allocation for health care programs should be according to the health care requirements and also after a detailed cost benefit analysis. The government should have a strategic planning for introducing such health system programs. It is the responsibility of the government authorities to take care of public health and introduce plans and policies for their growth and development. There should be special health promotion plans for the deprived or disadvantaged people. Health promotion programs have reduced deaths due to circulatory diseases, unintentional accidents injuries, infectious diseases, and poisonings due to cancers. Australia is known for its health promotion programs and policies, so the government authorities should maintain the standards and continue such programs by maintaining a balance between the expenditure and benefits rather than divesting from the principles of health promotion. The programs should be well planned and implemented to avoid health promotion failures. The health promotion program should aim at healthy lifestyle with an evidence based wellness system. Government should introduce open information health program along with family centered health promotion plans (Louise Parker, 2008). Conclusion Thus, the concerned authorities should introduce health promotion programs which aim at the equal development of all the people and provide health facilities to children, adults as well as old people. It should also aim at multicultural health promotion programs to reduce cultural imbalances and inequalities and satisfy all people equally (Magnusson, 2008). References Marmot,M.(1996). The socialpattern of health and disease in blame. Health and social Organisation, London: Routledge, 42-70. Magnusson,R. (2008). Prevention is a good thing. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy. Sydney Law School Legal Studies Research Paper, 08 (57), 1. Louise, M Parker, E. (2008). Health Promotion: Principles and Practice in the Australian Context (2nd edition). Australia: Allen Unwin Publishers.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Use of Logos, Ethos and Pathos by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. :: I Have A Dream Speech

Alleged by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech on August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Dr. King said â€Å"This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†. Meaning there shall be equality between one another. Dr. King grew up around pastors in a Baptist Church, so when he gave his speeches he sounded like a preacher. He was a well-educated person who graduated from Boston University and received his Doctorate degree. Plus he was a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race. Being a strong worker and having knowledge of civil rights made him more of a confident and convincing speaker. Therefore, In Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech, he pointed out to African Americans, that in the near future the African Americans would have equal rights and liberty like all the other Caucasians have. In this speech I have found Dr. King using logos, ethos, and pathos to get his attention across about equality and to make his speech sound more effective. Out of the three rhetorical appeals I have found that Dr. King used ethos the most predominately followed by the second most effective, pathos, and how King is a convincing speaker to his audience. Dr. King announced the â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech in front of 200,000 African American families and to a few Caucasians who were at the scene of his speech. Dr. King’s speech was mainly addressed to the African Americans, to explain one day there will be equality in all Caucasians and other ethnicities such as; Hispanics, Native Americans and Asian Americans. Therefore at the time of his speech, his audiences were to the 200,000 people who attended the speech but he was also referring to all other ethnicities as well. To his audience for example, he said as the future years pass, the hardship they are going through would pay off for the future children. For example, in his speech he said, â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be jugged by the color of their skin but by their content of character. Use of Logos, Ethos and Pathos by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. :: I Have A Dream Speech Alleged by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech on August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Dr. King said â€Å"This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†. Meaning there shall be equality between one another. Dr. King grew up around pastors in a Baptist Church, so when he gave his speeches he sounded like a preacher. He was a well-educated person who graduated from Boston University and received his Doctorate degree. Plus he was a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race. Being a strong worker and having knowledge of civil rights made him more of a confident and convincing speaker. Therefore, In Dr. King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech, he pointed out to African Americans, that in the near future the African Americans would have equal rights and liberty like all the other Caucasians have. In this speech I have found Dr. King using logos, ethos, and pathos to get his attention across about equality and to make his speech sound more effective. Out of the three rhetorical appeals I have found that Dr. King used ethos the most predominately followed by the second most effective, pathos, and how King is a convincing speaker to his audience. Dr. King announced the â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech in front of 200,000 African American families and to a few Caucasians who were at the scene of his speech. Dr. King’s speech was mainly addressed to the African Americans, to explain one day there will be equality in all Caucasians and other ethnicities such as; Hispanics, Native Americans and Asian Americans. Therefore at the time of his speech, his audiences were to the 200,000 people who attended the speech but he was also referring to all other ethnicities as well. To his audience for example, he said as the future years pass, the hardship they are going through would pay off for the future children. For example, in his speech he said, â€Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be jugged by the color of their skin but by their content of character.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Establish and adjust the markrting mix Essay

1. Research Your Choice of organization Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)- one of the most known fast food chains in the world started in the early 1930’s by Kernel Sanders in the Southern USA as a small franchise operation. Colonel Sanders has become a well-known personality throughout thousands of KFC restaurants Worldwide. Quality, service and cleanliness (QSC) represents the most critical success factors to KFC’s global success. KFC has a number of ambitious aims and objectives: To increase its percentage share of the fast-food market. To improve profit margins year-on-year to fund the growth of the company. To return profit on investments to owners and franchisees. The way that KFC reaches these targets is decided by the company’s internal strategy and objectives. Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to build customer relationships a. Marketing Strategy KFC used the Demographic Segmentation, Geographic segmentation, and Psychographic segmentation. In demographic segmentation, the market is divided into groups based on an age, gender, family size, income, occupation, religion, race and nationality. KFC divides the market on demographic basis in this way: ïÆ'Ëœ Age is between 6-65. Gender is both males and females. Family size is 1-2, 3-4, 5+ Income is Rs 10,000 n above. Family lifestyle is almost all. KFC has outlets internationally and sells its products according to geographic needs of the customer. In India KFC focuses how geographically its customers demand different products. In north India Chicken is the main selling product, while in the south the Veg. items sell more than the chicken. Dividing a market into different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics is called psychographic segmentation. KFC divides market on the basis of psychographic variables like: Social class- Upper and Middle class. Lifestyle is not specific. Personality is ambitious and authoritarian b. Target Marketing As the outlets of KFC are in posh area and prices are too high (overhead expenses-rent, air-conditioning, employees), so KFC targets upper and middle classes. Target market depends upon size and growth rate of population, Company resources and structural attractiveness of market segment. c. Market Positioning For a product to occupy a clear, distinctive and desirable place relative to â€Å"Competing products in the minds of target consumer.† In KFC feedback is taken from the customer in order to know the customer demands and then improvements are made in products. KFC focuses on pure and fresh food in order to create a distinct and clear position in the minds of customers KFC has a strong brand name and they are leading the market in fried chicken. 2. Identify the Key Characteristics of their products and services and their significance to the market. Product Line: KFC product line includes all chicken based products. Burgers: The burger category includes the Zinger Burger, Colonel’s Chicken Burger, Colonel’s Fillet Burger, SUB60 and 80, and Zinger Jr. They have also introduces a Fish zinger burger. Chicken Pieces: The chicken involved the product line with different number of chicken pieces like 1 piece, 2 pieces, 5 pieces and 10 pieces chicken. Combos: The combo includes the different meal as Chicken Meals, Sandwich Meals and Family Meals. Desserts & Beverages: The desserts and beverages offered by KFC are Fruit Salad, Regular & Large Drink, Regular & Large Mineral Water, Tea, Scoop of Walls Ice cream and Coffee. Snacks & Side Orders: The snacks and side orders served by the KFC are Arabian Rice, 5 & 10 Pieces Hot wings, Dinner Roll, Regular & Large Fries, Hot Shots, and Corn on the  Cob, Hot & Crispy Soup and the Cole Slaw. 3. Review pricing policy and analyse pricing variables to determine their effect on demand.